We are an intentional community committed to living cooperatively. We have memberships available for residential living, recreational use, cabins, and camping. We share strong beliefs about ecology and personal growth. We strive for integration of humanity and divinity. Our commonality lies in our reverence and interdependence with nature. We are actively seeking to help save the present world from social and ecological ruin
We are a growing group of people devoted to living close to the earth and in community with each other. Our Common House is a 3-story monolithic dome with scenic overlooks of the Hay River valley. It provides transitional housing for members as they build their homes and a haven for our gatherings and meals. We rejoice in the beauty of our land. River Haven has rolling hills covered by oak, pine, maple, and re-emerging prairie. Eagles, otter, deer, beaver, and wild turkey are a few of the animals abundant on the land.